Shakespeare’s Actresses in America
Subject: Quicktake - "Shakespeare's Actresses in America" by Rebekah Maggor
Date: Wed, Feb 1, 10:03 PM
Rebekah Maggor's compilation "Shakespeare's Actresses in America", which had its first showing this week at the ART is a good start to a potentially interesting show. At present her script harks back to the lecture platform. Choosing Margaret Webster as her sole narrator reinforces this impression. It might be interesting get more than their stage personae from the actresses being portrayed. Most such luminaries at least spoke to the press, if they didn't produce autobiographies. For the record, Maggor portrayed Julia Marlowe doing the Balcony Scene and Katherine from The Shrew, Eva La Galliene also on the balcony, also doing the Sleepwalking scene, and Ellen Terry playing the Potion scene from R&J and Ophelia's mad scene. She also did Webster reading Macbeth's letter and "To be or not to be" as a followup to Bernhardt acting that soliloquy in French. There was Sybil Thonrdike in the Letter scene as well, plus Mary Pickford playing Katherine followed by Liz Taylor, and Claire Danes on the balcony. These last three were from films, of course.
The show at present is about one hour and is most interesting as theatrical history. A few more actresses would give it more range; perhaps Katherine Hepburn as Rosalind, for example, plus at least one scene done in the most contemporary stage style. Maggor displayed quite a range of acting style and could put a bit more of herself into the show.
"Shakespeare's Actresses in America" by Rebekah Maggor, Jan.30-Feb.1
ART at Zero Arrow
Arrow & Mass. Ave., Harvard Sq. (617) 547 - 8300
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