Thursday, December 01, 2005


From: "will stackman"

Subject: Quicktake - "Three Sisters" adapted from Anton Chekov

Date: Thurs, Dec 1, 11:47 PM

Quicktake on THREE SISTERS

     If you've read "Three Sisters, understand the relationships between the characters --the program is no help--and can sit through 3 1/2 hours of Paul Schmidt's workmanlike translation punctuated by at least an hour's worth of pauses and dumbshow, then here's your chance. Krystian Lupa, a renowned Polish director, has had 10 weeks to build this interpretation of what Chekov always maintained was a comedy. There aren't many laughs in his version, but you'll be able to improve your seat after the intermission. Set and costumes are interesting if rather arbitrary, and the original score includes monotonous drumming by the director. Opinions will vary. Read the ARTicles afterwards, but find a synopsis before you decide to brave yet another auteur show committed in the name of a world famous author at the ART.

"Three Sisters" adapted from Anton Chekov, NOV. 26 - JAN. 1

A.R.T at Loeb Drama Center

64 Brattle, Harvard Sq., (617) 547 - 8300


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